So the story starts!

Chris Wilson a collector of classic racing motorcycles in the UK came to New Zealand with some of his collection to an event I help organise, MotoFest. We have had celebrity riders over the years from Graeme Crosby, Hugh Anderson, Aaron Slight, Randy Mamola, Steve Parrish, Simon Crafar, Kevin Magee and engineers such as Mike Sinclair Jeremy Burgess, Dick Smart, Bob Toomey to name a few...

So Chris is chatting about a KR3 that he has in his collection....I may have mentioned that I was involved with a few three cylinder projects including the earlier KR3 and the BSL500 in NZ. He mentioned that his KR3 had an "issue" ( I should have run away then!), he mentioned that he had taken it to Tech 3 in France to be "fixed". It returned and the exhaust valve system was not operating (Power Valve). They were unable to help and they had "fixed" the water leaks. He was unsure what to do next. (Again, should have seen the signs then!)

Well my comment was: "It has no chance of ever being worked on if it was not in my shed in New Zealand." If it was, I would probably graft another ECU onto it has the original ECU was an EFI from Italy. EFI would have no interest in assisting nowadays. I really never thought any more of it.

Next minute and thanks to our mate Graeme Crosby... a van turns up with a KR3 in it.. one stand and nothing else!

There you go... have at it!

From here the story begins... now I took lots of photos and videos over the last three years that has just culminated in us running the restored KR3 being ridden up the hill at the Festival of Speed at Goodwood 2022 with non other than the original rider Jeremy McWilliams but also Kenny Roberts who funded and ran the whole string of projects that included the last KR3! A bit surreal for a project from New Zealand!

A few things here:

a) Never underestimate the scale of a project!

b) Never underestimate the state of something old!

c) Caution: (It just needs some electrical work!).. means.. anything is possible.

d) You have to be passionate and slightly mad to take on these projects!

e) You need to love whatever you are working on and its pedigree and history.



Goodwood Festival of Speed

Lots of other older Links to the side!  ->>  Such a privilege to be invited to attend. So many thanks to Chris and arranging for the D...