The plot thickens!

 Now with the engine in pieces I needed to review the whole project and take a close look at the state of the engine before I could revert back to electronics as this had more issues than an ex wife!

Made a proper engine stand to ensure I could work on this properly..always a good trick!

I noticed that the balancer shaft bearing had also cracked the outer shell.. probably due to incorrect installation as it has a retainer than can easily be positioned incorrectly.. luckily enough I was able to locate a bearing in NZ and was able to fit this onto the balancer shaft.

Had to make a few tools to get the special nuts and tricky crankcase bolts removed and reinserted. there was going to be more of this.

So I decided to just use a similar material to fill where the crankcases were damaged and grind out the old filler to ensure we had reasonable water flow.. tricky as the cases are complex, made of magnesium and fragile.

Slow and time consuming but has to be done right.

I had zero spares.. no gaskets, o rings.. nothing so I had to be careful.

With the help of Ashley and the team we slowly reassembled the engine..

Devcon is fine but really doesn't last forever especially in water galleries but I wanted to have the engine in a position where it was usable and I could revert back to the electronics.

So I wanted to run the bike somewhere in a controlled manner so I heard about a guy in the Wairarapa who had new motorcycle dyno.. cracking guy Evolved Performance - Hadyn Kennedy..brand new Mainline Eddie Current dyno.

So of course no starter on the dyno so back to granddads scooter!

Wanted to just run it to see if it was not overheating and the engine was running OK. Nice easy runs and no interest in running it hard..

Fun day and all went well so thinking good enough to run it at a track again.


Goodwood Festival of Speed

Lots of other older Links to the side!  ->>  Such a privilege to be invited to attend. So many thanks to Chris and arranging for the D...